New Apple TV might show up next month
Some rumors suggest that Apple is working on a new version of the Apple TV, and might show up as soon as next month. For long time now there are rumors that apple is working on both a full-fledged TV set and a revamped set-top-box that is similar in form-factor to the current model .
While the motion technologies seem like features for farther into the future, the new Apple TV hardware design would revolve around improved video quality output . Later this year, Apple will launch a new version of the Mac Pro that could drive 4K displays, so this new Apple TV hardware is might be designed to power the 4K displays already on the market. As demonstrated with the iPhone 5s’s A7 processor, Apple currently has the capabilities of pushing desktop-class, high-powered chips into tiny devices.
With little content available for 4K TVs, Apple might use its own hardware to jump on the 4K business before any other media hardware company.
iPhone 5s – The all-new iSight camera.
iPhone 5s – The new Touch ID fingerprint identity sensor
Apple Special Event. September 10,2013 [video]
!!! آبل وصاحب الساحر

بالأمس أعلنت ابل عن الجهازين الايفون فايف اس و الايفون فايف سي. وللأسف صدقت معظم التوقعات لأننا تعودنا في الماضي في عهد ستيف جوبس الراحل مؤسس شركة ابل، على المفاجأة، و كانت الأنظار دائماً تتجه له حينما يصعد المسرح و الجميع ينظر له كالأطفال في أعياد الميلاد ينتظرون أن تفتح لهم الهدايا. لا اعرف أكثر تعبيرا من هذا حيث أحسست و أنا أشاهد حفل الإعلان بالأمس بانه تحصيل حاصل اغلب ما عرض قد تم تسريبه بأيام بل شهور في بعض الأحيان ، اما في العهد القديم فكان لا يسمح أبدا بتسريب أي معلومه و كان يحرص ستيف جوبس بان تحاط جميع مراحل التصميم و التصنيع بسرية شديدة لانه مؤمن بان عنصر الإبهار الذي اشتهر به يمثل أداة تسويقية كبيرة ولذلك كان يطلق عليه بالشومان أو رجل العرض أو الساحر و حتى يومنا هذا يعتبر هو الأعظم و لم يستطع احد أن يقترب من هذه المكانة . أتمنى أن تعود ابل في المستقبل لما كانت عليه مع أنني اشك في ذلك لكن تستطيع هذه الشركة المحافظة على مكانتها في المستقبل القريب لما تركه ستيف جوبس من مفاجآت خلف الأبواب المغلقة. لكن ماذا سيفعل صاحب الساحر بعد ان يستخدم جميع الحيل؟
The new iPhone 5s and iPhone 5c
Its appearance may be new, but the way iPhone 5c performs is instantly recognizable. That’s because it has the things people loved about iPhone 5 inside. And more. The Apple‑designed A6 chip delivers impressive performance and graphics. Yet it’s incredibly energy efficient, so you can use your iPhone throughout the day without worrying about battery life. The 8MP iSight camera lets anyone anywhere take an amazing photo anytime. The 4‑inch Retina display produces images with vivid clarity. And because iPhone 5c has more LTE wireless bands than ever before, LTE speeds are now a reality in even more places around the world.
iPhone 5 set a precedent, with an amazing amount of technology in a remarkably thin, light design. iPhone 5s builds on that achievement with Touch ID — a fingerprint identity sensor. An A7 chip with 64-bit architecture. An even more impressive iSight camera. And ultrafast LTE wireless.
iPhone 5s is the first 64‑bit smartphone in the world. And iOS 7 was designed with that in mind, built specifically for 64‑bit architecture. Which makes iOS 7 just as advanced as the iPhone it’s on.
Iran’s Cabinet Signs Up For Facebook
TEHRAN, Iran — Iran’s entire cabinet has opened Facebook pages in what is seen as a move toward greater government openness — even though the social media site is blocked in the Islamic Republic.
The Facebook pages of 15 ministers could be viewed in Tehran through a proxy server. Newspapers on Monday hinted the move might herald the lifting of some Internet barriers.
“It seems the ‘key’” — Rouhani’s electoral symbol in his presidential campaign — “may turn the lock of (Internet) filtering,” the pro-reform Shargh daily said.
With the exception of Foreign Minister Mohammad Javad Zarif, who joined Facebook in 2009, the cabinet members signed up this August after the inauguration of centrist- and reformist-backed President Hasan Rouhani.
Rouhani’s office has also opened a page on Facebook that was “liked” by all the ministers.
Saeed Leilaz, a Tehran-based political analyst, said it was likely the start of the lifting of Internet “filters,” which block specific sites. “Definitely filtering on Facebook will be lifted, and we will witness the elimination of filters (on the rest of) Internet,” said Leilaz.
Rouhani had promised greater openness and transparency during his presidential campaign in June. The move also suggests that his administration is looking toward social media to push its policies.
John Sculley talks about How Steve Jobs Got Fired From Apple

John Scully said:
I’m always surprised that people never ask the question: how could two individuals like Steve Jobs and I, who were supposedly inseparable — we were together all the time, we were great personal friends — how we could we end up in one of these amazing, celebrated clashes?
[Forbes Magazine]
Sony $100 ‘PlayStation Vita TV’ Micro-Console
Sony has announced the PlayStation Vita TV at the Tokyo Games Show. The tiny console connects with a standard PS3 DualShock controller and lets you play PS Vita games on your TV.
Sony also announced its going to have lots of great games when it launches November 14th in Japan. No word on global release dates yet. The PS Vita TV will serve as a PS4 streaming station, allowing you to hook up your PS4 to one TV and stream its games through the PS Vita TV to another television (1080i is the highest resolution output on the device.)
The PS Vita TV will cost 9,954 yen, or about $100, at launch. This makes it a much cheaper solution than the portable PS Vita or its older cousin the PS3.