The Amazing Apple 

It’s amazing how The World’s Largest Company has a products fit in one picture .
#Apple #Amazing #pod IMG_7905.JPG

Putin approved a draft bill for annexation of Crimea


MOSCOW (AP) – Russia’s President Vladimir Putin on Tuesday approved a draft bill for the annexation of Crimea, one of a flurry of steps to formally take over the Black Sea peninsula.
Crimea on Sunday voted overwhelmingly to secede from Ukraine and seek to join Russia. The West and Ukraine described the referendum which was announced two weeks ago as illegitimate.
The United States and the European Union on Monday announced asset freezes and other sanctions against Russian and Ukrainian officials involved in the Crimean crisis. President Barack Obama warned that more would come if Russia didn’t stop interfering in Ukraine.

طائرات اختفت منذ ١٩٤٨ م

خريطة توضح لي طائرات اختفت منذ ١٩٤٨ و يبلغ عددها حوالي ٨٣ طائرة أعلنت مفقودة و القليل جداً منها و جد حطامها بعد فترة كما توضح النقاط الحمراء في الخريطة


تشغيل جهاز #الايفون أو #الايباد في حالة توقفه عن الاستجابة

في بعض الأحيان يواجه مستخدم جهاز الايفون او الايباد صعوبة في اعادة تشغيل الجهاز في حالة توقف الشاشة عن العمل او الاستجابة او حتى محاولة غلق الجهاز و تشغيلة بالطريقة التقليدية . توجد طريقة او خطوات ممكن ان يالجأ لها المستخدم في هذه الحالة بالضغط على زر التشغيل و على الزر الرئيسي في نفس الوقت لمدة عشر ثواني، وفي حالة ظهور رسالة إطفاء الجهاز تجاهلها و استمر في الضغط حتى ظهور   شعار ابل


Razer Nabu


The Razer Nabu smartband is a revolutionary wearable that delivers notifications from your smarphone right to your wrist, and helps you keep track of your daily activities. Its band-to-band communication capability allows for intuitive social discovery, giving new meaning to your interpersonal exchanges. Most impressively, the Nabu is an open platform that encourages your favorite third party apps and developers to create unique and delightful experiences for users.

The new YotaPhone: A 5″ Android smartphone with a 4.7″ touchscreen e-ink display on the back


Russian handset maker Yota Devices has revealed details of its second generation e-ink display equipped YotaPhone today at Mobile World Congress 2014 in Barcelona.

The new device follows in the footsteps of the original, but shows a maturation of the technology concepts it was showing off first time around. For example, while the new model does still sport two screens, with one of them being a low-power e-ink affair, both are now full touchscreen displays allowing for easier control and extra functionality.

The idea behind having the always-on e-ink display of the original YotaPhone was that it provides convenience (seeing notifications and updates) without proving a drain on the battery. In reality, it was convenient for some things, but a little fiddly to operate with the touch sensitive sections below the second screen.


بريطانيا تطرح الجيل الجديد من طائرات بدون طيار


بريطانيا تطور جيل جديد من الطائرات بدون طيار التي ستطرح قريبا للخدمة ، و أوضح الكولونيل “مارك ثورنهيل” أن الطائرة الإستخباراتية الجديدة دخلت المرحلة التجريبية، وتتمتع بخصائص تتفوق بها على كل ما سبقها من طائرات بلا طيار استخدمت سابقاً في العمليات العسكرية. ويبلغ باع الجناحين بالطائرة الجديدة عشرة أمتار، ويمكنها الطيران لمدة 16 ساعة، ويتم التحكم بها من على بعد يقارب 160 كيلومتراً. ومدة طيرانها تتجاوز جميع الطائرات المماثلة المستخدمة في أفغانستان، وتلتقط صوراً أكثر وضوحاً من سابقاتها. حيث يتم إرسال الصور آنياً للوحدات القتالية الأرضية لتوفير المعلومات الإستخباراتية وتحديد الأهداف للقوات الأرضية. ويتم حالياً تجربة الطائرة الجديدة في سماء مقاطعة ويلتشر البريطانية، وتستمر فترة الإختبار وتدريب الطيارين على التحكم بها لمدة ستة أشهر، ويتوقع أن يتم ضمها إلى سلاح الجو البريطاني الصيف المقبل.

“The Watchkeeper”

Guid for life


( Flickr image by Lel4nd )

Every one needs a path to follow, an external guiding system to point you in the right directio. I will tray every day to give you some helpful tips in my opinion can help you i your life .

Dream big

You have to find your dream and then dream BIG.Dreams are what inspire us,they push us harder than ever before to achieve what we once thought impossible. What would you do if you had all the money in the world? if you wasn’t afraid?Write down your dreams, put them on a wall where you will see them every day, then go out and start achieving them.

Aim to Fail

Every time you fail, see it as a stepping stone to success, knowing you are that bit closer to your goals and your success’s.
Thomas A. Edison said : “I have not failed. I’ve just found 10,000 ways that won’t work.”

Analyst: Apple ‘iWatch’ to use optoelectronics to monitor heart rate, blood oxygen levels


“Apple may turn to optoelectronic sensor technology to help users of the company’s so-called “iWatch” keep track of their heart rate and blood oxygen saturation, according to a Friday report from China,” Shane Cole reports for AppleInsider.
“Cupertino, Calif.-based Apple was also considering the addition of blood glucose monitoring, but that feature is believed to have been scrapped due to the ‘inaccuracy’ of using optoelectronics for non-invasive blood glucose testing,” Cole reports. “Electronics industry analyst Sun Chang Xu made the predictions for China’s Electrical Engineering Times.”

“Broadly speaking, medical sensors using optoelectronics measure changes in light reflected by the body. An array of light-emitting diodes are used to pass light into tissue, and sensors detect the amount and color of the light that bounces back. Using optoelectronics for monitoring blood oxygen levels is a process known as pulse oximetry,” Cole reports. “Adding to the report’s plausibility, Apple has brought on multiple biomedical experts with expertise in optoelectronic pulse oximetry in recent weeks. New hires Marcelo Malini Lamego and Michael O’Reilly are former executives at pulse oximetry company Masimo Corporation.”

Google to deliver Internet at 10 Gigs

Google is working on technology to deliver data transfer speeds over the Internet at 10 gigabits per second, 10 times faster than the connections offered by Google Fiber in Kansas City, a Google executive revealed Wednesday, according to a USA Today report. That’s roughly 1,000 times faster than the average US connection speed of 7.2 megabits per second.
