iOS 8.1 features you need to know

SMS Relays to your Mac

iMessage is now the ultimate texting app for Mac and iOS with the addition of SMS Relays. Any Mac running Yosemite paired with an iPhones and iPads on iOS 8.1 can now send and receive SMS messages, so you can stay in touch with your Android buddies on all devices.


Instant Hotspot

OS X Yosemite can now automatically detect when an iOS 8.1 device is nearby and places it in its list of available wireless connections in your menu bar. Instant Hotspot shows your cellular signal strength and the battery life of your device in the drop-down menu. It requires iPhone 5 or greater and Bluetooth 4.0 Macs.


iCloud Photo Library

iOS 8.1 brings iCloud Photo Library Beta comes to the public to replace Photo Stream. The new iCloud Photo Library stores all your photos and video on so you can view them from other devices.


Return of Camera Roll

Apple killed the Camera Roll to the horror of many iPhotogs with the release of iOS 8.0, but iOS 8.1 allows users to resurrect the classic Camera Roll album after it was replaced by the Recently Added photo. You actually have to turn off Apple’s new iCloud Photo Library service to activate it. Here’s how to turn it back on: Go to Settings >> Photo & Camera >> iCloud Photo Library, switch to off.


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