The new YotaPhone: A 5″ Android smartphone with a 4.7″ touchscreen e-ink display on the back


Russian handset maker Yota Devices has revealed details of its second generation e-ink display equipped YotaPhone today at Mobile World Congress 2014 in Barcelona.

The new device follows in the footsteps of the original, but shows a maturation of the technology concepts it was showing off first time around. For example, while the new model does still sport two screens, with one of them being a low-power e-ink affair, both are now full touchscreen displays allowing for easier control and extra functionality.

The idea behind having the always-on e-ink display of the original YotaPhone was that it provides convenience (seeing notifications and updates) without proving a drain on the battery. In reality, it was convenient for some things, but a little fiddly to operate with the touch sensitive sections below the second screen.


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